Campaign Programs

Right to Information Act
MIRROR organized awareness generation programs in different parts of Wayanad to spread the revolutionary act Right to Information in association with RTI Cell, Wayanad, SAHAYI, likeminded NGOs and CBOs. A massive district level campaign program was organized in Kalpetta.
Common School System
MIRROR has active partnership with National Alliance for Right to Equity (NAFRE) and actively participated in regional and National level campaign to propagate messages on Common School System (CSS).
Mahadhma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantees Act. (Mgnrega)
MIRROR was an active partner to organize a South India level mass gathering to demand Right to Work before the advent of MGNREGA. In this campaign which was held in Bangalore in 2005 more than 20000 people were participated. Now MIRROR acts as a watch dog to see the processes of the implementation and takes feed backs.
The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Right Act)
As an organization which has more concern about the well being of tribal communities MIRROR engaged to propagate the importance and effects of FRA among the tribal. Organized a district level consultation on the act in association with Adivasi Solidarity Council and other Community Based Organizations.
Mother Tongue Based Early Childhood Care and Education (Ecce)
The organization was a partner of the National Campaign to include tribal languages as mother tongues in the proposed Bill on Mother tongue based multi language Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE), Government of India and demanded to include separate chapter for tribal in the Bill.