Exposure and Trainings
Exposure and Trainings
MIRROR has strong network with various Government departments agencies like, Kerala Water Authority (KWA) Kerala Rural Water and Sanitation Agency (KRWSA) KELSA, KSACS ,NABARD, State Land Use Board, Western Gat Cell, Central and State Social Welfare Boards, and NGO/CBO net works like Indian Institute of Management (IIM) Indian Social Institute (ISI), Adivasi Solidarity Council (ASC),National Advocacy Council for the Development of Indigenous People (NACDIP), National Alliance For Right to Equity (NAFRE), NOCER- India, Indian Liberal Group(ILG), Child Rights and You (CRY), Campaign Against for Child Labor (CACL),Campaign Against Child Trafficking(CACT), CHILD LINE, Kerala Voluntary Action League (KAVAL), National Council of Churches India (NCCI),Foundation for Educational Innovations in Asia (FEDINA), Indian Council of Social Welfare (ICSW) Indian Social Action Forum (INSAF),FIRFLIES, SAHAYI, Rajagiri Out Reach, Voluntary Agencies Network –India (VANI),Human Rights Law Network(HRLN) Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA),National NGOs Confederation and other development agencies inside and outside Kerala. Team members attend in various consultation programs in National, South India and State levels organizing by the networks.Become a partner
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