Gender & Family Development

We-Wayanad : Women Empowerment in Wayanad
Social attitudes have changed considerably over the past two decades and legislative and economic developments have opened many opportunities for women. However benchmarks such as pay, promotion, responsibilities, representation in social and political life, poverty and freedom from sexual harassment    and violence tell us we still have far to go before we achieve actual equality between man and woman. The organization feels that women in the society need more attention and they have many issues and concerns. Though there are Self Help Groups promoted by different NGOs and government-Kudumbasree- still they do not have a room to share their issues. So, the organization tries to provide an opportunity for them to approach the agency as a resort. As part of it we, implement Helpline Services, Awareness Generation Programs, Befriending services, providing services under Domestic Violence Act etc.
Awareness Generation Programs for Women:
(Supported by Central and State Social Welfare Board)

To empower the women to face the challenges of the society and be catalytic agents of changes MIRROR organizes Awareness Generation Programs for rural women with the support of Kerala State Social Welfare Board. The duration of these programs were 10 days. Well trained facilitators on different subjects facilitate sessions that are related to women empowerment.