Human Resource Development

Adolescents and Youth Development Program
To enable the adolescents and youth as the future pillars of the society MIRROR organizes motivation trainings and consultations for the youth and adolescents. Organizes school outreach programs, especially study/exam related counseling programs in association with different schools. Provides emotional support and guidance to the students and youth who have stress and trauma. Organizes premarital counseling programs in association with different development agencies. Organizes PTA intervention programs to equip the parents to understand the issues and concerns of their children.
Capacity Building Training on Panchayathiraj Institutions
In association with SAHAYI Trivandrum MIRROR organized district wide campaign to propagate the effects and long term impact of Panchayahti Raj Act. Awareness Generation programs were organized in village level to consentise the rural community on the provisions and importance of Grama Sabha. Special training programs were organized for the elected PRI members in different parts of the district. Trainings and capacity building programs for women PRI members are ongoing programs.
New Gen Initiatives (The Quality Training Group)
Since the developing scenario face new challenges and changes each day we feel that only a well educated can respond and it only through an approach, which combines research, capacity building and dissemination.  So, MIRROR initiated New GEN Initiatives, a unique self-development and life skill facilitating resource group aiming to develop students, youth, teachers, tribal and other deprived, marginal farmers, entrepreneurs, social workers, civil servants, women and children to be the catalytic agents of the society. As facilitation group the team members provides orientation classes and other facilitation programs to various sections of the community on different topics. Intensive Achievement Motivation (I AM) – I AM Student. I AM Youth. I AM Parent. I AM Teacher. I AM Employer. I AM Farmer. I AM Leader. I AM Social Worker is a facilitation package for different sections of the society. The experts from MIRROR facilitate different training programs and motivational classes for women, children, and youth conducted by different   NGOs and other agencies both inside and outside Kerala.