Tribal Development

Wayanad has more tribal concentration compare to other districts of Kerala. And they are the people who face more challenges to live. Their issues are not properly addressed either by NGOs and government. MIRROR   believes that only through collective efforts by sensitized group of tribal can address the issues. So, as an organization which believes and recognize human rights MIRROR organizes different training programs  for the tribal in our intervention area. In association with Adivasi Solidarity Council and Indian Social Institute MIRROR organizes capacity building training programs for selected tribal youth and women since 2003.

Organizes special training and sensitization programs for the tribal community on the Forest Rights Act and related subjects. The organization gives more stress on the FRA and organizes monthly dialogues and consultations for tribal as well as general community to create awareness on the basic rights of Adivasies.

Provides opportunity for the tribal youth to visit and get knowledge about the life, the issues specially forest, land, and development induced displacement, the developments programs by Government and NGOs etc. in other tribal belts of the nation.

To provide more exposure and opportunity for tribal, MIRROR closely associates with other likeminded organizations and Network organizations like Adivasi Solidarity Council (ASC) and National Advocacy Council for the Development of Indigenous People (NACDIP) and National Adivasi Andholen (NAA).

Creche Unit:
(Supported by Central and State Social Welfare Board)

With the assistance of State Social Welfare Board we managed a crèche unit with the name MALARVADY for tribal under fives. Noon meals were also provided. It was very helpful for tribal mothers. This program was winded up in 2008 due to the shortage in the number of under fives.